Monday, May 24, 2010

John 11-12

Here are a couple thoughts that I had while reading these two chapters last night. Feel free to post comments and discussion topics on what you read...this is meant to be an interactive blog for your comments and to generate discussions!

Jesus knew that Lazarus was sick and that he was going to die. He performed the miracle of bringing Lazarus back from the dead to bring glory to God. Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it."

How often do we look at our circumstances, especially those that are trying, through our own perspective and not through God first?

Jesus wept after seeing the reactions of Mary, Martha and others. It's very interesting to see that Jesus cared so much about those around him that their sadness also caused him sadness. What are your feelings about a God who cares? Do you think Jesus wept because he empathized with their cares or because he was troubled with their unbelief (causing a friend to die and bring him back from the dead so that they would believe)?

Happy reading friends!

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